用英语写写你一周的学习和生活吧?第一篇A week's lifeI had a busy life last week ,on monday,I had pia
第一篇A week's life
I had a busy life last week ,on monday,I had piano lessons in the evening after school ,and I had to finished my homework first,then I could go to bed .on tuesday,I had to study for the next day's english test,so I studied hard all night,I felt very tired the next morning.on wednesday,I practised singing a beautiful song during the music class,it was relaxing,and i thought it was the best day in the week.on thursday,my mother was busy with housework that I had to help her do the laundry and looked after my little brother.and on friday,I had to pracise the piano.on the weekend,I was busy ,too,but happy,I went to my friend's birthday party on saturday.i enjoyed myself there and I visited my aunt on sunday,I helped her with farmwork,I was tired after a day's work,what a busy week i had!
第二篇On Monday i will go to library after schoo,because i want ti find some useful book.
On Tudesday i will go to swimming with my fridend for i want to try some differents .
On Wensday i will play ball with my brother ,because i have so much time study .
On Thursday i will visit my annt with my mom,it is so long i haven't seen her .
On Friday i will go to suppermarket to help my mom buy something she needs on Satuaday and Sunday i wil go trip.
第三篇.Mary lives in London with her parents.She is a student in willow School.She goes to school from Monday to Friday.She likes Tuesday and Fridays.And Friday is her favourite day.She has P.E.teacher.Because he is kind active.On Saturdays,she often plays the violin and reads books.Saturday is fun for her.
第四篇.Last week,I did many things,and i'm so busy .On monday,I did a survy of student's hobby.
On Tuesday,I visited my grandmother's house and did some chores.
On Wednesday,I washed my clothes and studied for my next's text,On Thursday,i went shopping with my mother,and i bpught a beautiful dog for me,that made me feel very happy!On Friday,i played soccer with my good friends.
And on weekend,I went to mountains,and I saw many beautiful sights on my way to the mountain.
This is my week,a busy but happy week,isn't is?
第五篇.My name is Wang Qiuyun. I m a student. I m busy this week. On Monday I do homework. And on Tuesday I wash my clothes. On Wednesday I listen to music. On Thursday I draw pictures. On Friday I play computer games.On Saturday I draw cartoons. On Sunday I read books. I like draw pictures very much.
兴奋篇 8月3日下午3点整,参加军训的同学都兴奋地到学校集中,大家的心情都无比激动,心中像十五只吊桶——七上八下。心中充满了各种各样的感情,有高兴有伤心,有兴奋……总算挨到了汽车来的时候了,家长们都默默地看着自己的孩子上车,等到自己的孩子找到了座位坐下来,他们的心就似乎也安顿下来。大家都不停地挥手不停地说:“再见,再见!”
想家篇 第二天的训练让同学们吃了不少苦,到了晚上大家还得学唱歌。一天的训练使大家非常的劳累,也使同学们想到了家的温暖,想到了以前的生活,想到了应该爱爸爸妈妈。晚上,我可是非常的好睡,眼皮一直往下掉,总算熄灯了,可是不知是谁的哭声又吵得我不得安宁。而老师又是睡在我的旁边,听到了哭声,她总是会起来安慰,加上同学们也陆续过去看热闹,原来已经安静下来的寝室又吵闹起来。我看看周围,也想到了家,在家的话,我现在……
辛苦篇 这已经是第二天的训练了,有了第一天的训练大家都已经知道了训练的要领。我们的教官可是一个“一管十”的教官,训练的时候一直在笑,还经常给我们原地休息的时间,可是训练的内容可是一点没有少,就说第二天的训练吧,定行就定了20分钟,累都累半死,汗直往下滴,可是,动也不敢动,哎呀,真是累死人啦,哼哼!
外号篇 天天的训练总有休息,在休息的时候,我们总是围在教官身边,问这问那,似乎有问不完的问题。当然聊天是在军训中我们最开心的事情,因为每次聊天,不关聊正经的,有时还很搞笑。我们军校分成了8个班,前面6个班的教官和排长真是受人喜爱呀,所以嘛,有了外号。排长:陈皮、牛排;一班:墨豆;二班:长颈鹿;三班:锈豆;四班:憨豆;(告诉大家,憨豆这个名字是最早出来的,而且,呵呵,是我起的,挺好听的吧)五班:猴子脸;(这个外号也是我起的)六班:笑面豆。我们那个憨豆对我们给他起外号不服气,给我的好朋友也起了一个叫做“四眼猫睛”!因为她戴了个眼镜,成了有四只眼睛,所以……
拉歌篇 那一天,外面下雨,同学们都格外的高兴。为什么就不言而知了,外面下雨我们就可以不要训练了。那一个早上总要有活干吧,教官们就组织我们来拉歌。拉歌你们应该知道是什么吧,如果不知道就太傻了喔?我们女生队的林里佳自告奋勇的指挥,而男生们却妞妞捏捏,真是没有一点男儿气概。总算他们选出了一个代表。下面拉歌场面实在热闹,我都不知应该怎样给大家描述了,我还是给大家抄一些拉歌词吧:XX,来一个,XX,来一个,叫你来,你就来,妞妞捏捏不象样,像什么,大绵羊;一二,快快,一二三,快快快,一二三四五,我们等得好辛苦,一二三四五六七,我们等得好着急……
离别篇 一周过去了,这一周过得真是快啊。在最后一次会操的时候,我们四班总算拿到了第一名,这让我们感到到无比的荣幸。在最后一顿晚餐,有加餐,两瓶可乐,就两瓶啊。教官陪我们一起吃饭,大家不约而同的一次又一次的举杯,似乎有庆祝不完的事。两瓶可乐在开饭五分钟以后就被我们喝完了,教官却掏出自己的钱又给我们买了5瓶,我们把这些可乐喝完了,教官也把这个月的工资花了一半,要知道,他们一个月才82元啊,在临走的时候,我们一车的人都哭了,这毕竟是与我们亲密接触了一周的军校啊,再见了,军校,再见了亲爱的教官!
I made a plan for the next week, because my high school career is coming this autumn, so I decided to take some courses to help me understand the high school curriculum.
In addition, I also want to improve my English level to a higher grade. So I decided to get up at six every day and read English for 40 minutes.
there are seven days in a week. it's an intereting thing. i love friday best, because there are less classes on that day. and after friday, i will have two days break in which i can have fun with my friends and do what i like to at home.